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Entries Tagged as 'writing'

No rest for the dead…battery

November 29th, 2011 · Comments Off

My recent article on Battery Recycling is now available in the November issue of alive. I wasn’t aware of this before researching this topic, but you can recycle both single-use and rechargeable batteries in British Columbia. Personally, I’m a big fan of eneloop batteries. I believe the batteries Apple uses in their wireless mouse and […]

Tags: article · freelancing · technology · writing

New professional website

May 27th, 2011 · Comments Off

I've created a new professional website to replace this aging one that doesn't even render properly in most resolutions. I bought the URL vancouverwriter.ca and put up something a little more modern. Just to be clear, I'm still happy in my present position at Vtech, but wanted to keep my html coding skills fresh, keep […]

Tags: employment · writing

New published articles

April 14th, 2011 · Comments Off

  Here are some new articles of mine that were published in alive magazine. Click on the thumbnails to view them. The first is on whether cell phone towers are safe or not. There is much heated debate surrounding this issue and I got a lot of hate mail for even suggesting we don’t know […]

Tags: article · freelancing · writing

Hilarious job ad

March 28th, 2011 · Comments Off

This is a real job posting. I appreciate the brute honesty because it doesn’t sound like a job I’d be that interested in. But some sicko might be. And yes, they actually are looking for a “sicko”: We want to add some talent to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune investigative team. Every serious candidate should have a […]

Tags: employment · humour · writing

Why Haven’t We Finished Our Novel?

March 28th, 2011 · Comments Off

via theonion.com I’ve started numerous novels, and never gotten very far. I think I just end up disliking the main character. Sigh. We’ll see how far I get with my next project.

Tags: humour · writing