I’d like to reward all my loyal readers with a chance to win the iPad 3000! Featuring a holographic, 4D display with a synaptic interface, the iPad 3000 is sure to blow everybody’s mind. Just tell me how awesome I am, tell your friends how awesome I am, tweet about me, write about this competition […]
Entries Tagged as 'humour'
Win an iPad 3…thousand!
December 9th, 2011 · Comments Off
Tags: humour
Occupy Hastings Street
October 17th, 2011 · Comments Off
The world's top 1 percent of wealthy people are being discriminated against! Let's band together and fight for the rights of wealthy citizens without whose economic and philanthropic contributions, the world will be a poorer place. The fact of the matter is, not everybody on this planet can live in a mansion, drive a Ferrari, […]
Even Hitler hates the new iPhone
October 5th, 2011 · Comments Off
This is a hilarious take on the apathy surrounding the new iPhone 4S release: LOL! Come on people.
Tags: humour · technology · video
Boston Bruins fan in Vancouver
June 3rd, 2011 · Comments Off
The Canucks have won the first game against the Bruins in the final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Exciting stuff. This video has been making the rounds – it's pretty funny. Game two is on Saturday. Go Canucks!
Tags: humour
Hilarious job ad
March 28th, 2011 · Comments Off
This is a real job posting. I appreciate the brute honesty because it doesn’t sound like a job I’d be that interested in. But some sicko might be. And yes, they actually are looking for a “sicko”: We want to add some talent to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune investigative team. Every serious candidate should have a […]
Tags: employment · humour · writing