The world's top 1 percent of wealthy people are being discriminated against! Let's band together and fight for the rights of wealthy citizens without whose economic and philanthropic contributions, the world will be a poorer place. The fact of the matter is, not everybody on this planet can live in a mansion, drive a Ferrari, […]
Entries Tagged as 'Vancouver'
Occupy Hastings Street
October 17th, 2011 · Comments Off
Vancouver riots
June 16th, 2011 · Comments Off
Well, we didn't win the Stanley Cup obviously. After losing to Boston in game 7, a riot broke out on the streets of Vancouver and erased any international goodwill generated by the Olympics last year. In a repeat of 1994, police were unprepared for the burning, looting and vandalizing that tarnished the city last night. […]
Tags: Vancouver
Canada’s most livable cities
May 1st, 2008 · Comments Off
Canadian Business magazine has just released their annual report on Canada’s best places to live. Our cold and sober capital, Ottawa, graced the number one spot based on factors like household income, unemployment rate, and new cars (New cars? Really? What does splashing out on some smoking wheels have to do with livability?). Vancouver shuffled […]
Tags: culture · local news · public relations · Vancouver