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Entries Tagged as 'technology'

No rest for the dead…battery

November 29th, 2011 · Comments Off

My recent article on Battery Recycling is now available in the November issue of alive. I wasn’t aware of this before researching this topic, but you can recycle both single-use and rechargeable batteries in British Columbia. Personally, I’m a big fan of eneloop batteries. I believe the batteries Apple uses in their wireless mouse and […]

Tags: article · freelancing · technology · writing

Three amazing new technologies that will blow your mind

November 9th, 2011 · Comments Off

I've been thinking about the future and what it might bring. In my last post I talked about a 1988 school project that accurately predicted the dawn of the tablet age. Well, here are three emerging technologies that are quite simply gob smacking. You have to see these videos to believe. Quantum Levitation You know […]

Tags: geeky · technology

The iPad in 1988

November 8th, 2011 · Comments Off

In 1988 students from the University of Illinois were tasked with imagining the computer of the year 2000. What they came up with was a tablet computer that bears a striking resemblance to the iPad. From the report: Our machine will have the same dimensions as a standard notebook. It will look like an 8″x11″ […]

Tags: technology

Remembering the man who changed everything

October 6th, 2011 · Comments Off

Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. What is there to say about a visionary who changed the way we interact with our computers, communicate, listen to music, or even appreciate the beauty of typeface. There is so much to say that has been said more eloquently by others. I am greatly saddened, as are so many […]

Tags: technology

Even Hitler hates the new iPhone

October 5th, 2011 · Comments Off

This is a hilarious take on the apathy surrounding the new iPhone 4S release: LOL! Come on people.

Tags: humour · technology · video