Congratulations to my brother, who figured out that the weird Japanese USB device was, in fact, an “ass-cooler”. Check out the explanation here.
Entries Tagged as 'the writing challenge'
Writer’s Challenge answer revealed
May 22nd, 2007 · Comments Off
Tags: the writing challenge
Writing Challenge #2
May 2nd, 2007 · 2 Comments
You can now expel your baited breath because writing challenge number two is here! For this task, you will be required to go to this Japanese website and view the images. I’m assuming you cannot read Japanese, so the challenge before you is to decipher what this product is based on the images alone. Can you […]
Tags: the writing challenge
ok, ok, you can stop pestering me…
April 27th, 2007 · Comments Off
All you partakers of the writer’s challenge can stop begging me to reveal the answer, because here it is at long last! The ludicrous patent description you have been puzzling over is nothing more than a wrist support made of a rubber balloon tied filled with sand and sealed with a piece of wire. That’s the […]
Tags: the writing challenge
Writer’s challenge #1
March 17th, 2007 · Comments Off
As promised in my last post, here is a little segment I’m going to call…(insert drum-roll here)…THE WRITER’S CHALLENGE! Will you muster your courage and face the cunning challenge I’ve set before you? Here it is: I am holding an object in my hand. Guess what the object is by reading it’s patent description. Let […]
Tags: technical writing · technology · the writing challenge · writing