Not all of Apple’s offerings are shiny and perfect. And when it comes to iTunes, most sane people will agree that this music player is just plain ugly. I applaud Scott Gilberson for calling it like it is in his blog post, “The Top Ten Reasons iTunes Sucks”. Here are his main beefs:
Entries Tagged as 'music'
Delete your iTunes
November 19th, 2008 · Comments Off
Tags: music · software · technology
Musical cross-pollination with the tech industry
May 13th, 2008 · Comments Off
If you’re Homo Sapien then you’ve probably heard that song by Yael Naïm. Name not ringing any bells? You know, it’s the one that goes something like this: “La-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la…” Still not getting it? Okay, it’s the song from the MacBook Air commercial. Yes, you know the one (and if you still have no clue, […]
Tags: marketing · music · technology · web 2.0