The world's top 1 percent of wealthy people are being discriminated against! Let's band together and fight for the rights of wealthy citizens without whose economic and philanthropic contributions, the world will be a poorer place. The fact of the matter is, not everybody on this planet can live in a mansion, drive a Ferrari, […]
Entries from October 2011
Occupy Hastings Street
October 17th, 2011 · Comments Off
Netflix Canada top picks
October 7th, 2011 · Comments Off
Netflix Canada has been busy releasing tons of new stuff, so I’ve given up detailing every single new release. Instead, here are my top picks based on movies I’ve either seen and recommend (especially flicks I consider to be “classic”), or movies I want to see because I’ve heard or read that they are good. […]
Remembering the man who changed everything
October 6th, 2011 · Comments Off
Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. What is there to say about a visionary who changed the way we interact with our computers, communicate, listen to music, or even appreciate the beauty of typeface. There is so much to say that has been said more eloquently by others. I am greatly saddened, as are so many […]
Tags: technology
Even Hitler hates the new iPhone
October 5th, 2011 · Comments Off
This is a hilarious take on the apathy surrounding the new iPhone 4S release: LOL! Come on people.
Tags: humour · technology · video
A revolution nobody cares about
October 5th, 2011 · Comments Off
So, yesterday the iPhone 4S was announced and the general sentiment was that it was a huge letdown. Even the media jumped on the bandwagon with news reports on CBC about how disappointing the whole deal was. Most sane observers will tell you the truth of it though: people get hung up on a name. […]
Tags: technology