I was trying to figure out how many people are reading my writing/editing and the numbers are pretty huge. First of all, I’ve been writing for the print edition of alive at a readership of about 500,000. Then every Tuesday articles I’ve edited for Metro Canada comes out countrywide at a readership of 700,000. And the […]
Entries from November 2007
My big audience
November 28th, 2007 · Comments Off
Tags: editing · working · writing
Amazon’s paperless Utopia
November 20th, 2007 · Comments Off
Amazon took a stab at revolutionizing the reading world today with the launch of its new wireless reading device called the Kindle. It’s about the size of a paperback, has a built in keyboard and a display that’s easy on the eyes and visible in sunlight. To buy a book you hook into their network through a wireless […]
Tags: technology
Top 5 tech gifts for holidays
November 15th, 2007 · Comments Off
CNET just released its readers top choices for sparkly new toys they want under the tree this year. Not surprisingly the Apple iphone is only in the number five spot, despite the price slash. As for the number one spot, well, I’m not sure if I agree with that one. Watch it here.
Tags: technology
Four more cents
November 9th, 2007 · Comments Off
The Writer’s Guild of America are striking, but do you know why? Check out this three-minute video clip for an explanation. Or you could just watch more re-runs and hope that your favourite show will come back…eventually. Electronic rights for authors seems a fair deal, but lets be honest – These guys are making a lot […]
Yahoo on trial
November 8th, 2007 · Comments Off
In a congressional hearing held on Tuesday November 6 as part of a lawsuit against Yahoo, CEO Jerry Yang and vice-president Michael Callahan were chastised for their involvement in the arrest and imprisonment of a Chinese journalist. Yahoo is currently on trial for aiding and abetting in the torture of Chinese dissidents. In 2005, Chinese […]
Tags: politics