Nothing like a slip-up in bullet list formatting to completely change meaning. Check out this hilarious example from Now that’s a major copy-editing FAIL.
Entries Tagged as 'editing'
Editors, check your bullet lists
September 25th, 2008 · Comments Off
Tags: editing · writing humour
My big audience
November 28th, 2007 · Comments Off
I was trying to figure out how many people are reading my writing/editing and the numbers are pretty huge. First of all, I’ve been writing for the print edition of alive at a readership of about 500,000. Then every Tuesday articles I’ve edited for Metro Canada comes out countrywide at a readership of 700,000. And the […]
Tags: editing · working · writing
Cultural sensitivity in user documentation
February 28th, 2007 · Comments Off
When editing technical documents, how aware should you be of regional differences in pronunciation? Here is an interesting article on the subject by Brian Forte. Forte raises the following issue regarding the usage of an indefinite article with initialisms: How do you pronounce an initialism like HTML? I was taught English in public Australian schools […]
Tags: culture · documentation · editing · grammar · technical writing