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Entries Tagged as 'review'

Game of Thrones review

November 30th, 2011 · 1 Comment

You may be wondering if I’m talking about the book or the HBO series. Well, I read the book first, so the TV show paled in comparison, as is usually the case. I was optimistic at first, mostly because of the glowing reviews and comparisons to Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson undoubtedly won the […]

Tags: books · review · TV

Source Code Review

April 6th, 2011 · Comments Off

Warning: this is not a movie for angry nerds. If you ponder over the concepts of multiple dimensions and consciousness and that sort of esoteric stuff more deeply, the purist in you will start to bristle. And don’t even start to go down the road of analyzing why a movie called Source Code has nothing […]

Tags: movies · review

My review of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

March 31st, 2011 · Comments Off

I’m a little late to the party, but I finished reading this Swedish crime thriller last night. It’s been on the best seller lists for a while and thought I would give it a go. The story centres on a downtrodden journalist, Mikael Blomkvist as he investigates the mysterious disappearance of a girl who went […]

Tags: books · review

A fitting end

March 30th, 2011 · Comments Off

Serenity is undoubtedly a movie for the fans. After Firefly's abrupt end, the absence of any kind of denouement left a gaping hole in the fabric of this fictional universe, and left the fans howling for more. This movie does fill that hole somewhat, but not completely. Answers to nagging questions still linger… Who were […]

Tags: movies · review